Prepare for the Sacrament of First Reconcilliation
Prepare for the Sacrament of First Communion
Learn the parts of the Mass
I can read, write, and demonstrate knowledge of place value and compare numbers up to 1,000.
I can add or subtract one digit numbers to 20 with automaticity.
I can use a variety of strategies to add or subtract 2 digit numbers and word problems with and without regrouping.
I can use addition and subtraction to collect and group data to make a graph or chart.
I can use a variety of strategies to generate addition and subtraction equations.
I can build fact families.
I can identify, name, describe, compare and classify 2- and 3-diminsional shapes.
I can identify and find the value of a group of coins: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. I can create a group of coins that equal a given amount.
Language Arts / Reading
I can select and read just-right and/or challenging books for myself. I can choose a book for enjoyment.
I can read 90 words per minute by the end of second grade
I can identify, read, spell, and write words that contain consonant blends, rcontrolled vowels, digraphs, long and short vowels, diphthong, and silent letters.
I can recognize parts of a sentence.
I can use contractions, quotation marks, correct verb tenses, capitals and punctuation in my writing and speaking.
I can recognize parts of speech and correct tenses of nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, and adverbs.
I can use commas, periods, exclamation points, and question marks to guide reading fluency.
I can identify the main idea and supporting details and can name the author's main purpose within a text.
I can describe characters, the plot, and the setting of a story. I can explain the structure of a story (beginning, middle, end).
Balance and Motion: I can describe how an object can change position. I can construct an object that can move in a variety of ways, with a variety of different materials.
Matter: I can understand that objects can be described as solid, liquids, and gasses. I can understand that the properties of materials can be changed, but not all materials repsond the same way to what is done to them.
I can describe objects in terms of color, size, shape, weight, texture, flexibility, strenth and the types of materials in an object.
Plants: I can recognize that plants need space, water, nutrients and air. I can describe the characteristices of plants at different stages of their life cycles. I know that plants need polinators. I can identify polinators and explain what they do.
Social Studies
Citizenship and Government
I can explain that in the US rules and laws are to be applied fairly and equitably.
I can compare and contrast rules and laws from country to country.
Community / History
I can compare and contrast my daily life with other cultures.
I can identify certain events and people and explain why they are celebrated as holidays in the US and in other countries.
I can classify materials that come from nature as natural resources (raw materials), tools, equipment and factories as capital resources, and workers as human resources.
I can correctly find Minnesota and the US on a map.
I can use a map of the world or a globe to locate and name the quator, poles, continents and ocean.
I can correctly identify cardinal directions and make a compass rose.